table talk
Where are some good places to buy swimsuits? I used to buy all mine from Victoria Secret Sam: I'm so mad at Vickies for discontinuing...

ripped jeans and a tee
Hi, Friends! So happy we are into March and spring is finally soooo close! My goal of this week is to start laying out our travel plans...

building a wardrobe
Lately we have both been gravitating towards more classic pieces that we can easily be transitioned from season to season. We have been...

table talk
Where would you recommend for a beach vacation? Karissa: I loved Charleston, SC. We stayed on Isle of Palms in a house walking distance...

spring trends I can get on board with
I love everything about winter turning to spring in Ohio. We always have several days over 50 degrees in February where everyone gets so...

nashville vibes in columbus
Hi, friends! Hope everyone had a great week! I have nothing planned for the weekend besides a little work, which is a great feeling. ...

table talk
What do you usually pack in your carry on? Karissa: I usually stock my carry-on full. Phone charger, magazine/book, iPad, chapstick,...

lash tint & lift review
I first heard of a lash tint and lift through another blogger I follow, Brooklyn Blonde. I had no idea a procedure out there existed to...

uptown funk
Is anyone else over wearing socks and boots!? I can't stand to be in socks all day so I love that we are finally getting some warmer...

on my playlist
I spend a lot of time in my day listening to music, whether it's while I'm getting ready or at work. When people ask me what type of...