who knows who best? brad & karissa
Bradley and I have been together for almost 8 years (April 8th <3) - so in general we definitely know each other (pretty) well. Like Sam and I said last week we love playing the newlywed game-- usually we kill Zach and Sam in a round of the newlywed game- and this time we did pretty well.
Which room in your house would your spouse like to makeover?

Brad thinks my answer is the green room (aka brads awful office)- I think Brad wants to make over the basement.
real answers:

Got them right! Brads office has dark green sand painted walls (as terrible as it sounds) and is covered in all the things he loves that I hate-- so obviously needs to be redecorated. Brad is dying to transform our unfinished basement into a man-cave.. (insert eye roll)
What word best describes your spouse first thing in the morning?

Bradley thinks I am slow-- I think Brad is energetic (the only person I know that loves to clean first thing in the morning-- give me coffee!)
real answers!

I would say we were pretty close Brad states he is "ready to go" and I'd say I'm pretty grumpy
Favorite movie?

Brad thinks my favorite movies are Cinderella, Snow White and Aladdin.. I would say Snow White is definitely not even on the top of my favorite Disney movies (Toy Story, Lion King, Finding Nemo) come on Brad-- anyways any of those answers are wrong (see below). I Thought Brads Favorite Movies were Dark Knight, National Treasure, or Back to the Future.
real answers:

I win this one... kinda... Brads faves are Back to the Future, Dark Knight, and Home Alone (National Treasure definitely used to be on his list). My favorite movie is Mean Girls-- obviously, it's so fetch- a second in my favorite movie would be Step Brothers--- not even something Disney!