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our favorite house plants

We often get asked about which houseplants are the easiest to keep alive, so we figured we would do a roundup of the houseplants we currently own. By no means are either of us green thumbs but we still enjoy having plants around the house to liven up the space.


Snakegrass, also called mother in law's tongue is the type of plant you can literally grow in a closet. It requires very little light and you really can't kill this thing. You can buy these at Home Depot or most home and garden stores.

Fiddle Leaf Ficus

I have had this plant for 5 years and when I first got it from a local nursery it would only 3 feet tall. I have found that this is one of the hardest plants to take care of and have had 3 others that have died. BUT - this plant is such a statement piece that it is worth all the care to have a tall tree in your house. It makes the biggest impact in a room. I water it about 4 cups each week and it needs to be in a room with lots of sunlight.

Peace Lilly

This plant (pictured next to fireplace) has been super easy to keep alive (I know because I do not have much of a green thumb. It's actually gotten quite big since we've gotten it. We water it about once every other week with a few cups of water! When in bloom it's gorgeous (will try and photograph it to update!!) -- faux white velvet plum blossoms on mantle found here.

Fresh Flowers

One of our favorite quick fixes to brighten up my home is picking up some fresh flowers at Trader Joes! The flower selection is great, and the cost is even better! We make sure to put the flower food mix in with them and keep adding water throughout their shorter life.

Fake Plants

Both succulents in the above picture are fake and I purchased those at Hobby Lobby and Amazon. I usually kill succulents so I like to purchase the fake ones that look super real. Make sure not to buy ones that look kelly green in color and plastic-y. The below fake plant that I use to style my shelves was $5 at Ikea!

Jade Plant

This is a really cool plant that can get huge. It actually looks a lot like a giant succulent, but it needs a lot of water to stay upright and direct sunlight. Here is a cool inspiration photo.

Money Tree

I love this little money tree because it looks like a bonsai. Not sure how I have managed to keep this alive for 3 years, but anytime i water my other plants I pour just a little water to top this guy off. Occassionaly I pick off those brown leaves.


I got this ivy plant for $10 at Home Depot this weekend and the goal is to have it hang off the shelves like this. Needs a room with lots of sun!

Not pictured:

I also have a rubber tree that is one of the most gorgeous house plants you can find, but right now it is sick and not ready to be photographed.

I'm going to attempt to grow fresh basil and cilantro in pots this summer. We will see how long that lasts!

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